Welcome to Sol Shine Nature Preschool
A Place Where Children Belong
Who We Are
Sol Shine Nature Preschool offers a state licensed Forest Kindergarten program for children ages three to six. We utilize the rich diversity of the Yakima Area Arboretum as our classroom.
The Arboretum provides the ideal environment for our students to develop critical early childhood skills alongside a deep connection with the natural world.
We celebrate differences and welcome students of all abilities, ethnicity or nationality, and religious affiliations into our programs.
Why a Forest Kindergarten?
Check out some of the benefits
Children's minds are stimulated and engaged in our cognitively rich and ever-changing outdoor classroom. Our kids find joy in experimenting, observing, exploring, building, collecting, sorting and concentrating. The opportunities to practice and improve learning how to learn while still having fun and being a kid are endless at Sol Shine.
Daily nature play includes climbing, running, digging, jumping, and experiential learning. Students practice their balancing skills, fine and gross motor strength and coordination. We encourage appropriate risk-taking and are here to guide the children in assessing risk then acting accordingly.
Numerous settings and great inspirations for children to imagine scenarios are found in the outdoors. We encourage story-telling, make believe and just plain silliness. For children who want to create something tangible, we use natural materials found outside. Creation of individual or collaborative artwork is common here. Teachers encourage and inspire our students to express their unique abilities.
Conservationist Mindset
The time our students spend learning and having fun in nature organically grows a love and respect for all living things. Not only do the children become knowledgeable about the flora and fauna found around the Yakima Valley, but are taught to consider the impact of their actions on the environment.
Social and Emotional
Forms of social and emotional maturity such as curiosity, love of learning and discovery, the ability to follow simple instructions, personal initiative and a developing sense of self are fostered through play. Shared play nourishes skills such as taking turns, respecting others' opinions, and making up rules. Our teachers guide students toward self-regulation, vital for future success.